Hair Type: Relaxed (or tex-laxed not bone straight hair) Date: 2/2/10
Hair Color: Clairol Beautiful Collection Black B20D
Hair Condition: Slightly Damaged recently cut. A little shedding
Starting Length: In-between Neck Length and Shoulder Length NL and SL due to cut
Goal Length: Current goal is Shoulder Length( full shoulder length)
Problem Area: Front hairline damage from braids a little thinness
Current regime:
So far I have co washed twice. The first time I co washed it was with Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner. This left my hair not as shiny as I would like but I missed a vital step. I read you are suppose to put a plastic bag on your head while you shower to let the product soak in. I did not do this. But I remembered the next time!
2nd co wash: I waited 5 days washed with Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner again. I used a plastic bag this time! I washed my scalp really well with finger tips(no nails). This time I decided to deep condition with Organice Root Stimulator Hair Mayonaise overnight. My hair was clean and conditioned still not shiny. I will be adding an oil pre-poo. A pre-poo is an oil treatment added to hair prior to washing. It can be left in overnight
Observation: I noticed my hair felt dirty after 3 days but I decided to wait for 5 to cowash the first time. I waited 4 days to co wash the 2nd time.
I think my regime will be to co wash every 3 days. I plan to real wash soon. I'm playing it by ear. I use Creme of Nature shampoo to real wash.
I have to figure out something better because I have used heat via a blow dryer on my hair. I did use the low setting but since I am wearing it out and down. I needed heat to straighten. I am putting it away in a ponytail soon.
I hope this was enough information for my first post on my journey.
Update: *No more overnight conditioning with wet hair BAD* I learned I can overnight prepoo with oil and conditioner on DRY hair Deep conditioning is for under the hooded dryer for 45 min to 1 hour or walking around during the day. No More sleeping on wet hair.
Any questions or suggestions fill free. Thanks
2 months ago
Love the blog...I've been natural for about 6 years now and my hair is down to the middle of my back. Try Co-washing with Motions CPR Conditoner (I can only find it as Sally Beauty). Also for blow drying divide hair into 6-8 sections and coil each section into a bun securing with a clip. Then working section by section strecth the hair out as straight as you can and then blow dry by moving the blow dryer up and down the section (with no attatchment) while you stretch the hair. You'll be amazed how straight it will get. After that I usually flat iron with Dudley Qs Pressing Cream. As I've said my hair is very healthy from using this process and has grown to the middle of my back. I recently cut it to mid neck and with in 6 mnths it was back to past my shoulders. Let me know how it works or if you have questions! Good luck...
@BougieBrawd Thanks so much for the suggestions. I will look into the products. Thanks so much about the blowdry tip. I told about how bad I was in my current post. I will do this as I get new growth this time around, Here's to long healthy hair!
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